Jeremie Pelletier wrote:

Among other things, I started writing an IDE for D from scratch and
opened a SourceForge project for it a few minutes ago, I'll also open a
dsource project to link to the sf one in the following days.

At first I tried to code it in D using wxD but soon found out the
limitations of these bindings, then I tried to write my own wxWidgets
bindings which worked great until i realized I was leaking memory like
hell and had a hard time linking garbage collected D objects to C++
reference counted objects without adding complex overhead.
Jumping back in C++ was refreshing, I now make very little use of macros, feel much more comfortable with templates and generic programming, basically I write C++ as if I was writing D, and it only makes me love the little conveniences of D even more.

The IDE will also be cross-platform, I'm using wxWidgets for all the user interface and boost for everything else.

Sounds like a good approach for a new fresh DMD2 IDE, the oldskool stuff
with GDC and wxD and Code::Blocks is not very likely to make it there...

I think Walter writes DMD the same way (D in C++) and Andrei is a fan of
Boost, so I don't think you can go wrong there... Hope it gets released!


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