Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
Ary Borenszweig wrote:
Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
Walter Bright wrote:
I'm using firefox. Even on their main
developer.apple.com/iphone/index.action, most of the text is light grey
on white.

    Text is black here. But it is very thin, are you sure this isn't an
anti-aliasing issue?

In Windows Vista at least, anti-aliasing (whether Standard or ClearType) clearly isn't a straight average, considering that zooming out doesn't cause it to fade. AIUI, part of M$'s patent on ClearType is about how it differs from straight average anti-aliasing by colour stripes. I don't really know how it works. Nor do I know how the anti-aliasing in other OSs compares. But there, there's also the issue of system gamma vs. CSS standard gamma (well, sRGB) and whether or not the browser corrects.

It's #323232

        Well, that's dark grey, not light grey like Walter said he gets...

Which text?

In the top half, most of the text is #333333 (obscure grey, according to the VisiBone naming).

In the bottom half, most of the text is #666666 (dark grey) or #777777.

(Firefox 3.6.3, examined using Firebug)


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