On 15.06.2010 00:45, Sean Kelly wrote:
stdin.byChunk uses a mutable buffer that's overwritten for each chunk so you 
can't ask for an immutable ubyte[] in the foreach line.  Here's the version of 
that sample I used to test (13.7):

import std.algorithm, std.concurrency, std.stdio;

void main()
     enum bufferSize = 10;
     auto tid = spawn(&fileWriter );
     // Read loop
     foreach( ubyte[] buffer; stdin.byChunk( bufferSize ) )
         send( tid, buffer.idup );

void fileWriter()
     // Write loop
     for( ; ; )
         auto buffer = receiveOnly!(immutable(ubyte)[])();
         writeln( "rx: ", buffer );

Right, now where's the bugzilla for TDPL? :)

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