On 2010-07-03 14:06:26 -0400, Walter Bright <newshou...@digitalmars.com> said:

Walter Bright wrote:
Michel Fortin wrote:
On a side note, I've noticed on other websites that Google Translation doesn't attempt to translate code inside a <code> element. So I would suggest the website uses <pre><code> ... </code></pre> for its code blocks, and <code>...</code> for keywords and other code-related terms in the text. That could actually make the translation useful.

This must be new, it didn't use to do that. I'll take advantage of it!

Sadly, it doesn't work, as it strips all the newlines out, putting your code all on one line. Bah :-(

The problem is that the translator strips the line breaks. But that's still an improvement over the older "translated" code, where half the identifiers are changed, braces are changed to parenthesis and some newlines are removed randomly.

I suggest you add <code> anyway. At least this way Google can improve their translator engine and it'll then work fine.

Michel Fortin

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