"Walter Bright" <newshou...@digitalmars.com> wrote in message 
> David Gileadi was kind enough to spend some time redesigning the look of 
> the D web site. A preview of it is up on d-programming-language.org. This 
> isn't about the content, just the look/style/feel.
> Comments welcome.
> Please don't put links to anything other than the front page yet, as the 
> organization may change.

Oooohh, pretty :)

A few notes:

Text size is the absolute biggest it can get without it being 
"too-fucking-big". Personally, I'd even bring it down one notch, but as-is 
is acceptable. *Definitely* do *NOT* go any bigger, though (this isn't 
Fisher-Price Publishing).

The red glow is very nice, but I agree with the others that it decreases the 
contrast too much and makes it hard to read or look at. In fact, even 
without the red glow, the menu doesn't have enough contrast and it hurts my 

The text-color in the search box needs to be set to black, not 
system-default. It's nearly-invisible for me on all the browsers I tried: 
IE7, FF2 and Iron (it's like Chrome, except with changes that make me allow 
it to actually touch my computer).

BIG PROBLEM: In IE, the body-text is nearly invisible. (Pet peeve: When will 
people learn that *EVERY* time you set a background color, you *MUST ALSO* 
set a foreground color and vice-versa??? I see that ignored absolutely all 
the time. This should be basic, basic Design-101 stuff...) See screenshot: 

I didn't see any of the glitchiness or google-translate stuff that other 
people saw (on IE7, FF2, or Iron). Although, from the screenshot someone 
else posted of the translate-bar, I'm glad it's not showing up for me. (I 
really wish people would stop loading up their pages with Google's crap.)

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