Walter Bright wrote:
Nick Sabalausky wrote:
"Walter Bright" <> wrote in message news:i0nula$
Nick Sabalausky wrote:
I didn't see any of the glitchiness or google-translate stuff that other people saw (on IE7, FF2, or Iron). Although, from the screenshot someone else posted of the translate-bar, I'm glad it's not showing up for me. (I really wish people would stop loading up their pages with Google's crap.)
I like the translate widget! I've always been enamored with the idea of a universal translator.

There are browser plugins and websites that can handle translation of *any* page, not just pages that the page author has manually embedded it into. And they do it without gunking up the page with unnecessary JS bloat that not everyone's going to need.

I understand your point, I just like to have it right there, and not have to go get toolbars and plugins for every browser I use. Also, nobody ever complained about it before - why now is it suddenly an issue?

People don't need plugins to translate a page. All they need do is navigate to, enter the URL in a box, select a language, and click a button. My logs show that visitors to my blogs (including The One With D) do that frequently without any prompting from me.

Anyway, if you're going to keep the box it might be a good idea to relocate it. I suggest the bottom of the menu. That way it won't interfere with any text when it expands. Either that, or give it a div with a fixed height large enough to hold it when it's expanded.

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