On Wed, 15 Sep 2010 10:26:35 -0400, Sean Kelly <s...@invisibleduck.org> wrote:

"Steven Schveighoffer" <schvei...@yahoo.com> wrote:
On Tue, 14 Sep 2010 19:09:18 -0400, Sean Kelly
<s...@invisibleduck.org>  wrote:

Leandro Lucarella Wrote:

Not quite ready for prime-time yet, but I think it's in a stage when
> > it
could be interesting anyway (at least for developers or people that
> > want
to experiment):

Nice work!  I've gotten this to compile as the GC for druntime using
> D2  > but have ran into a snag.  I'm using OSX (ie. no usable debug
> info) but  > near as I can tell the issue is:

private T locked(T, alias Code)()
    if (thread_needLock())
        synchronized (gc.lock) return Code();
       return Code();

void* gc_malloc(size_t size, uint attrs = 0)
    if (size == 0)
        return null;
    return locked!(void*, () {
        assert (Invariant()); scope (exit) assert (Invariant());
        return malloc(size, attrs, null);

In the code above, it appears that the anonymous delegate being
> passed  > as an alias to locked() is having its stack data
> dynamically allocated  > (ie. as a dynamic closure).  For normal
> delegate calls this can be  > avoided by accepting "scope delegate"
> as the function parameter, but I  > haven't found an analog when
> using the alias approach.  Obviously, what  > happens is that a call
> to gc_malloc() ends up needing GCed memory, so  > gc_malloc() is
> recursively called, and on until the stack explodes.   > I'll see if
> I can come up with a workaround that continues using the  > alias
> template parameter.

What if you passed it through a scope delegate function?


void *lockedproxy(scope void* delegate() dg)
  return locked!(void *, dg);

I could simply change it to a function that accepts a scope delegate. It
just isn't as efficient as the alias approach.  But an indirect call is
pretty small potatoes in this case anyway. I tried this and it worked,
and the I ran into an issue where the object used for the lock
(classinfo for GCLock) was apparently null. I'll look into that today.

Well, the alias version could be used for other callable types, whereas a delegate version can only be used for delegates. Not sure how important it is.


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