
The D/Objective-C bridge is a project that was aiming at making Cocoa usable from D.

It's somewhat similar to QtD. The timing of this announcement isn't entirely coincidental with today's announcement about QtD: my announcement was ready, QtD's was the trigger for my Publish button. Even though the problems are probably quite different between the two projects, they both share a common need for runtime-reflection, playing with the object model from another language, static initialization from within mixins that shouldn't create circular module dependency, and probably a couple others.

It is my feeling that for dealing with Objective-C, things will be much cleaner by working directly inside of the compiler. D templates are fabulous, and I'm quite amazed that I could do what I did, but the bridge creates just too much generated code to make the whole thing usable. So I think it's time for a new approach.

Michel Fortin

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