"Lutger" <lutger.blijdest...@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>> "Stephan Soller" <stephan.sol...@helionweb.de> wrote in message
>>> Maybe you should consider looking into some other browsers? Opera, 
>>> Chrome
>>> and other Gecko based browsers might give you a better experience that 
>>> the
>>> newer Firefox versions. This is the reason why there are different
>>> browsers after all.
>> - Safari is ruled out because it's a blurry mess (all for the sake of 
>> making
>> it look more like the printed version? WTF?) and forces useless 
>> background
>> processes, has zero respect for my system's look-and-feel, and has no
>> "Adblock Plus", "NoScript", or "BetterPrivacy" (Three FF add-ons that
>> provide functionality that, for me, are absolutely 100% essential).
>> - IE7+ is out because it has no "Adblock Plus", "NoScript", or
>> "BetterPrivacy", and I don't like the unified forward/back buttons.
>> - Iron is out because I *hate* absolutely everything about it's UI, and 
>> it
>> doesn't have "NoScript" (I've heard it has "AdBlock Plus", but I didn't 
>> see
>> it when I first looked so I don't know). Also, configurability seems to 
>> be
>> practically non-existent compared to FF.
>> - Chrome is out because of all the reasons for which Iron was created in 
>> the
>> first place. I won't even allow Chrome (or Safari) on my computer at all.
>> - Opera is ruled out because it costs money and every time I tried the 
>> demos
>> it seemed to combine the worst aspects of all the other browsers, plus 
>> had
>> by far the most rendering problems.
>> - And everything else like IE6-, Netscape, WebTV, Lynx, etc are all ruled
>> out for obvious reasons.
> Perhaps try firefox 4 (beta)? It is much faster, probably on par with 
> chrome
> now, and it looks a bit cleaner designed.

I'll probably try it at some point, but I seriously doubt it won't be the 
same story as FF3. It's Mozilla's basic nature to refuse to allow users to 
disable any of Mozilla's beloved *cough* "improvements", and to merely scoff 
whenever people don't like it. They're never shown any interest in making 
anything about the AwfulBar optional. Same with the unified forward/back 
buttons, or every ugly-ass theme FF has insisted on using starting with FF2 
(That's why I use Winestripe.) And like most developers, they've never shown 
any respect for people with light-on-dark schemes. Etc, etc, etc, And 
they're a bunch or arrogant douchebags to boot.  Mozilla just has their 
heads ten miles up their asses and that's all there is to it, and I don't 
believe for a second anything's ever going to change that.

Like I said, I'll probably try it at some point, but I *very* much doubt it 
won't be the same story as FF3. And from the screenshots, it looks like 
it'll end up absolutely horrid-looking on the Win Classic theme, just like 
FF2 and FF3 and just like every Windows program these days that's designed 
to assume the user is running that god-awful Aero theme (I think the only 
reason people think Aero looks good is because it's not as bad as Luna, and 
most people were too stupid to realize XP's Luna was optional.) Plus, it 
looks like they're trying to ape IE7/8 and Chrome, and I think those are 
some of the most butt-ugly and shitty-UI browsers ever made (*especially* 

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