On 17/11/2010 21:27, "Jérôme M. Berger" wrote:
Bruno Medeiros wrote:
But what exactly is that data corruption issue on Windows?

        In some cases (I didn't try to isolate the precise conditions), Git
will replace '\n' with '\r\n' in binary files. This is with the
default config. It might be possible to change the configuration so
that this won't happen, but the simple fact that this happens with
the *default* config does not fill me with confidence regarding data
integrity and Git...


Hum, my impression is that Git is actually pretty mindful about data integrity, not just on history, but on commits as well. However, it also seems like Git was designed with Linux in mind, so Git on Windows is kinda like a second-class platform (for example, performance is apparently lower on Windows). But hopefully that will improve on the future.

The comments above made tip my preference slightly over to Mercurial. But I think ultimately the decision of whether I would use Mercurial or Git would be decided more by external factors, like the quality of IDE-integrated tools (read: Eclipse plugins), and the availability or preference of those DVCS in hosting-sites/organizations. For example Google Code only supports Mercurial. On the other hand the Eclipse Foundation is moving their repositories to Git. (if it wasn't for that I'd likely have gone with Mercurial and not looked back on Git)

Bruno Medeiros - Software Engineer

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