On 1/14/2012 3:21 AM, Philippe Sigaud wrote:
I strongly encourage you to continue with it, and release it as a book. We
could sure use another book on D!

Uh, I don't think it'll ever be a book. I didn't write it with a book in mind.

It looks like a book, and I see no reason why it can't be. It'll see far wider distribution as a book.

I strongly suggest making the formatting work for a Kindle edition of your
book. PDF files do badly on e-readers.

What I want (maybe in 1-2 months) is to write a simple D script that
takes the .tex files and transform them into simple marked-up text, to
produce a DDoc file or an HTML one.

Kindle ebooks can be automatically generated from HTML text with the kindlegen.exe program downloadable from Amazon. I have the D specification automatically "kindle-izable" in the makefile for dlang.org.

The main issue is the short line length, which negatively impacts examples and tables.

Another issue is Kindle is black & white, so while the colored text does make it better, it should still be usable if rendered in black & white (which should be done anyway, as many people are color blind).

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