On 2012-02-15 22:34, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
"Ludovic Silvestre"<ludovic.silves...@gmail.com>  wrote in message

In any case, this is one of the reasons I hate the modern web. On the
user's side, content and view have become completely married together.
That's a *huge* step backwards. Thanks to a very large effort put into
standard file formats and general computer-to-computer interop, it used
to be that any content could be viewed in any program, any UI, any style,
any anything the *user* wanted. We had achieved a computing golden age!
But once things moved to the web, that got completely thrown out the
window as interface is now inseparably *bundled* with content once again
(and vice versa - content comes inseparably bundled with the interface).
While model-view separation is popular among webdevs, that separation
exists completely on the developer's side, not the user's side. Of course
in this particular case, it's not quite so bad because there's lots of
different interfaces to the same NNTP server, but still...
Check out this: http://axr.vg/

Interesting. At a glance, it sounds like it still doesn't address my rant
above (though I don't see how it could). And I would have preferred to see
XML abandoned and have a unified language for content and presentation (note
that doesn't preclude separation of actual content and presentation - I'd
just like to see them both use a single common langauge...and no XML).

But other than that, it sounds very similar to what I've been wanting to do.
Definitely worth a closer look.

It looks interesting. But I think it was a mistake to use JavaScript as one of the languages.

/Jacob Carlborg

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