On Thursday, 16 February 2012 at 13:22:43 UTC, bearophile wrote:
A screen grab:

I'm not quite sure what browser or configuration you're using, but the screenshot does not represent the intended look of the forums.

At first sight there are three things I don't like about them:
- All those thick boxes inside boxes waste too much screen surface that's better used for the actual messages text.

Removing them would make the forum rather ugly in the normal view mode. Since it looks like you're customizing half of your web experience already, I'd suggest further tweaking the look to suit your needs yourself.

- The image of the person that is writing steals and wastes another vertical chunk of space. This asks for a redesign that saves that space for the message.

I don't understand how you can claim that it takes up vertical space when it's alongside the post. The only case where it would waste vertical space is when the post is a few lines long.

- The menu on the left of the page steals a large amount of space. The threads are often long, while the D menu on the left is short, so there's often a huge amount of space wasted on the page. The result is a too much thin space left for messages text. In my screen about 54% of the horizontal space is wasted for things that are not messages text. I suggest to fix this, I'd like to something more like 80% of it left to messages text.

Viewing the forum in a modern browser will cause the menu on the left to be hidden when there is insufficient space to show the full width of messages.

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