2012/2/29 Adam D. Ruppe <destructiona...@gmail.com>

> 4) This is an insane idea, but one that came to mind.
> I'm testing this by piping the generated JS into
> dmdscript.
> dmd runs insanely fast when compiling this code. Phobos
> is kinda slow to compile, but you don't have to use it
> here. Write D1 style code and dmd is blink of an eye.
> dmdscript is reasonably fast too.
> Suppose you're writing an app and you want a scripting
> extension. Embed dmdscript, boom you can use javascript.
> (I really want to revive a dmdscript D2 port to make this
> even easier, but it isn't hard right now either.)
> What if you want to script in D? If you're GPL... embed
> dmd front end too.
> Make D output JS, which is interpreted by D, calling
> D apis....
> Pretty insane, but you could script your app in D without
> doing shared libraries or anything like that!
Being mainly a web developer, I think this project of yours is really

Also, being a fan of embedding JS into Java applications using their
ScriptingEngine API, I absolutely don't think number 4 is an insane idea. I
think it's a great idea!

I wish I had more time (and D knowledge!) to contribute.. for now I'm just

/ Mikael

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