to make it absolutely sure !! I hope that Alex's project will make it.

(and as one who has worked on a concrete project with Alex, having several private phone conversations, I am sure that Alex will deliver pretty cool stuff. Most probably more than one might expect.)

On 03/26/2012 03:00 PM, Adam Wilson wrote:
ono is over a million, Visual Studio is almost as much as the Windows
Kernel (5m+ IIRC), and Eclipse ... well I don't what they are doing
wrong over there but the bloat is epic.
In other words, a good IDE is a massively complicated beast.
Integrations are much quicker and we don't have to reinvent the wheel
all over the place.

IMO this is questionable. What do you count as required LOC ?
Say this is what could be done by Plug-Ins.

SVN / GIT  support,
Database Explorer,
ER Designer
UML Designer
XML/XSL support
SOAP/REST support

So the core IDE has to support a flexible Doc/View Model a Plug-In Architecture, and Source code analysis.
Maybe an internal project-management that supports a build/make tool.
Debug Support.
All that visual stuff, say panel docking, gui persistence has not to be written from the scratch.. It is part of the GUI lib.

Exotic stuff,  You want the best ever Ultimate Development Environment.
Say you want Realtime developer collaboration/Video conferencing ... a piece of cake in Python (using async IO/ XMPP ....) No rocket science at all.

I am convinced that developing in wxD2*** code  will be very close to
what you do in wxPython, maybe even smarter.

But I am loosing the point. Even if Alex carries on in Mono-D during
GSOC it is a good thing. And.. if we are not able to translate C#
stuff into D2 than the D2 design fails..

Actually, I'm porting the ANTLR Runtime from C# to D right now. The
languages are VERY similar, where the whole thing falls apart is the
standard library, or the fact that Phobos is brutally underpowered
compared to the .NET BCL. I wrote a List(T) class just to make the pain

Well, here I definitely should shut up.. std.collections... Anyway from time to time I think it would make sense to port the MOMO/NET collection stuff into D. Simply to make porting of dot net code possible without too much pain. but that's an other story.

Thanks for being a Mentor for this Project.

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