On Tue, 27 Mar 2012 09:38:33 -0700, Jacob Carlborg <d...@me.com> wrote:

On 2012-03-27 00:00, Adam Wilson wrote:

Mono is over a million, Visual Studio is almost as much as the Windows
Kernel (5m+ IIRC), and Eclipse ... well I don't what they are doing
wrong over there but the bloat is epic.
In other words, a good IDE is a massively complicated beast.
Integrations are much quicker and we don't have to reinvent the wheel
all over the place.

I agree that an writing an IDE will be a massive project. But it doesn't have to be as complicated as Eclipse or MonoDevelop. These support plugins to add support for new languages, Eclipse contains support for UML diagrams and similar things. Not something that is needed to make a fully usable D IDE.

To be a fully useable *D* IDE this is true, but that's not really an Integrated Development Environment, its just Yet Another Specialized Development Environment. I'd argue that the whole point of the "Integrated" part of IDE is that everything you might possibly need to do your job is one place specifically so you don't have to go hunt down that other software package you only need every couple of months. And I'm not saying that we shouldn't have an IDE written in D, just that it's not the best path at the moment, and regardless of the purity folks "everything must be written in D!" tirades, integrating D into MonoDevelop represents the best way to get devs using D right now. Also, the D GUI situation leaves a lot to be desired in terms of complex UI's like IDE's.

Besides, Mono-D has more pressing issues than a potential stand-alone IDE ... CTFE/mixin parsing anybody?

Adam Wilson
IRC: LightBender
Project Coordinator
The Horizon Project

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