On 3/28/12, Andrej Mitrovic <andrej.mitrov...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 3/28/12, Philippe Sigaud <philippe.sig...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> OK, it's done and on Github. Thanks for the headup!

I've more to report :)

I don't know exactly which files I need to compile Pegged as a
library. Which files are essential and which can be left out? I know
utils.manual doesn't need to be included, but there's utils.bootstrap
which has a wrong import to pegged.utils.PEgrammar (I think it should
be pegged.utils.PEGGEDgrammar), and this statement "enum PEGCode =
grammar(PEG);" should probably be  "enum PEGCode =

Still if I try to compile all the modules I get an out of memory error from DMD.

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