On 13/04/2012 23:30, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
On 4/14/12, Robert Clipsham<rob...@octarineparrot.com>  wrote:
On 13/04/2012 22:10, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

nonothrow. May as well drop nothrow and use !throw if we're doing that!

Might as well rename it to something else. It's called "nothrow", but
it can actually throw a Throwable, but not an Exception. Quite an odd
naming if you ask me.

It can't throw a Throwable, just an error! Maybe we should introduce a maybe keyword!

void myFunc() pure @maybe !throw @maybe !const;

Maybe @maybe needs to be negateable too...

void myFunc() !@maybe pure @maybe !throw @maybe !const;


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