This project is finally published and documented, so here's an announcement.

bootDoc is a configurable DDoc theme, with advanced JavaScript features like a package tree and module tree, as well as fully qualified symbol anchors. The style itself and some of the components come from Twitter's Bootstrap framework.

Demonstration of Phobos documentation using bootDoc

LuaD's official documentation also uses bootDoc

bootDoc is designed to be easily usable with any project. It is used as a git-submodule in both of the above sample scenarios. All project-specific settings are provided by a separate configuration file (settings.ddoc), which is documented on the project's Github wiki.

bootDoc includes a general-purpose generation script. See the readme on Github for usage information. The script uses a candyDoc-style modules.ddoc as input, making the transition from candyDoc projects easy.

Note about noscript: JavaScript is used to get around the static nature of DDoc. The sidebar does not work without JavaScript, and neither do fully qualified anchor names. However, anchors with ambiguous names (such as those usable for symbols on work both with and without JavaScript, with the same limitations.

Comments, issues, enhancement requests, questions or rants about JavaScript - all feedback is much appreciated!

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