On Thursday, 3 May 2012 at 05:14:43 UTC, James Miller wrote:
On Wednesday, 2 May 2012 at 18:26:11 UTC, Jakob Ovrum wrote:
This project is finally published and documented, so here's an announcement.


bootDoc is a configurable DDoc theme, with advanced JavaScript features like a package tree and module tree, as well as fully qualified symbol anchors. The style itself and some of the components come from Twitter's Bootstrap framework.

I would make a minor change that lets you see the function tree near the top. On my laptop screen (about a standard size) I have to scroll down about an entire screen to see it. How this is implemented is up to you, but being able to collapse to module view might be enough.

James Miller

Packages in the module view are collapsable, just click on them.

Having the module list in its entirety collapsable might be an idea, but unless your project has a ton of top-level packages and modules, it won't help much with your specific problem (the situation would be almost the same).

I am considering putting the module tree and symbol tree in tabs instead of below each other.

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