Am 16.06.2012 21:10, schrieb cal:
I've been working on decoders for simple (baseline) JPEG and PNG's,
mostly for my own amusement, and they seem to work ok now, so if anyone
has need of some simple D modules to load these formats you can grab
them here:

- Will load 8-bit baseline sequential JPEG's only. All PNG image types
are supported (only critical chunks are decoded however).
- Can load from a stream or a file. In the case of the PNG's, this
allows progressive display with an interlaced image.
- I haven't put much effort into speeding up these routines, and have
not tested the JPEG decoder extensively, so there are bound to be bugs
and there is plenty room for improvement.
- The example shows stream usage, and uses Adam Ruppe's simpledisplay to
make a little viewer, that can flick through all images in a directory.


Cool so I don't need to use my stb_image binding ( ) anylonger!

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