On 17/06/2012 14:38, Philippe Sigaud wrote:
On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 3:25 PM, Stewart Gordon <smjg_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:

FWIW a while ago I wrote a simple experimental program that generates an
image and encodes it as a PNG.  And I've just tweaked it and updated it to
D2 (attached).  It supports only truecolour with 8 bits per sample, but it
supports filtering, though it isn't adaptive (you just specify the filter to
use when you run the program).

Nice one, works OK here! (DMD 2.059, Linux 32bits)

(DMD -property asks for '@property' after IHDR bigEndian())

Good catch.  It's probably time we deprecated using property syntax on 

You two should fuse it into one module, to give us loading/writing.
That would be quite cool.

I don't know how much of the code will need rewriting in order to support interlacing or all PNG colour types/depths.

But I also began writing a PNG library a while back - with the intention that it will be a full PNG editing library, not just encoding/decoding of the image data. But I haven't had much time to work on it recently. And it would help a lot if we could have the replacement for std.stream some time soon.


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