On 8/18/2012 6:51 AM, Peter Alexander wrote:
Maybe it's related to the tendency for programmers to be libertarians, which
would also explain the whole open source software movement. They want to share
knowledge freely, and online articles would be part of that.

I find this peculiar, as the open source software movement is frequently associated with communism, not libertarianism. (Although I do think it is much more correct to associate it with libertarianism.)

This reason likely
explains this particular article: there was disagreement on the use of NaNs for
initialisation, so Walter wanted to express his take on the matter to the
masses. I have done similar things in the past, e.g. blogging about my thoughts
on immutable in D.

I write the blogs in Dr. Dobbs because the editors of DDJ have always been very nice to me and supportive of my efforts, going all the way back to my Zortech days. They asked me to write the blogs, and send me nice comments about them. The positive responses they get on reddit encourage me to continue doing them.

I wrote the NaN one because there was a lot of interesting discussion on it in the n.g., and so I thought a wider audience would find it interesting as well.

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