Mainly for those daring folks who want to help develop it further:

        $(LI 80 bit reals are truncated to 64 bits when formatting.)
        $(LI Many math functions are not implemented.)
        $(LI No symbolic debug info is generated.)
        $(LI Cannot catch Win64 structured exception handling exceptions.)
        $(LI VS debugger cannot look at call stack.)
        $(LI No DLL support.)
        $(LI Only tested with VS 2010.)
        $(LI No installer.)

My plan going forward is to now switch to bringing D2 up to this state.

Help, of course, is appreciated in addressing the shortcomings above. The math problems are due to reliance on the C standard library, and VC is both missing many C99 functions, and of course has no 80 bit support.

We'll have to roll our own.

The call stack problem is because the VC 64 bit ABI does not use a standard stack layout, so it cannot walk the stack. dmd uses the stack layout used on every other D port, which VC doesn't recognize. Eventually, this will have to get fixed. Frankly, not being able to look at the call stack in the debugger is quite a nuisance.

DLL support is probably straightforward.

I haven't looked at the symbolic debug info format.

I've been folding the changes into the D2 compiler as I've gone along, so that will hopefully mostly work out of the box. I have only done some of the library work for D2. Essentially I gotta go through the commit history on Phobos1 and fold it all into Druntime/Phobos2.

D will probably not bother with the 64 bit SEH.

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