On 10/31/12 8:35 PM, Faux Amis wrote:
On 22/10/2012 19:25, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
We're on! For one month starting today, we're raising funding for DConf


Please pledge your support and encourage your friends to do the same.
Hope to see you in 2013!



Looking at the graph and excluding the super-villains (who are they?)
the current pool seems close to empty.

We currently have one generous $5K contribution from Andrew Edwards (an enlisted US Marine) and another one from Sociomantic.com. Since Andrew is not competing for branding or recruiting, we're considering offering one extra Kryptonite slot should we receive requests.

Excluding the large contributions is actually not indicative because most conferences actually finance via sponsorships.

There will probably be an end spurt if the goals seems in sight, but as
it stand I don't see this happening.

The way I see it, we have 16 firm early bird attendees, and we're six corporate sponsorships away from reaching our goal. We must make this happen.

One thing we could all do is to mention the conference to our recruiting managers. This is a golden opportunity to recruit straight in the Bay Area. A contribution as simple as offering a conference room for three days would mean huge goodwill in the D community for next to no cost to the company.

My reason for not having pledged:
Too expensive: flight + ticket.
I will pledge 100$ if that would mean videos.

Understood. Note that if you submit a talk proposal, it's possible (no promise though at this point) we'd be able to defray transportation costs.


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