On 1/3/2013 5:20 AM, Matthew Caron wrote:
On 01/02/2013 04:18 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
Why would you need to? If your mail store is IMAP, just let it rebuild.

I don't store email on the server, I store it locally.

I gave that up years ago when I ended up with more than one device. Too much
"did I get that email on my laptop or my desktop?" And now with tablet, phone,
laptop, desktop, and several kiosk machines around the house (because how else
do you watch Firefly whilst loading custom hunting ammunition in the gun room?)
and then the device proliferation continues...

I know, it's a pain. On the other hand, I don't feel the need to write emails when I'm about town. Generally, only when I'm on a trip is this a problem, and my email client then is set to not automatically delete email from the server when downloaded.

scp -rp ~/.thunderbird <target machine>

will shove your whole TB directory to the new box.

Doesn't work on Windows.

Why not? The directory may be different, but the philosophy should still hold.
Just install ssh/sshd from cygwin and you're set.

It's different on every machine was my point. Again, though, the address book import/export works the same, and I don't have to google thunderbird for specific instructions for each OS.

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