On Sat, 2013-01-05 at 12:57 -0500, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> That is a fair point. OTOH, Google (by their very nature) is dead-set on
> things like making sure the web gets treated as an application platform
> and getting people to store their personal data on Google's private
> "cloud" (a moronic and unnecessary renaming of the works "hosted" and
> "internet", but that's a separate rant).

Interesting that Google are changing their terms of service so that
(indirectly) Windows 8 RT users have to pay to access GAE.

> Also I think another part of what makes Google (and Apple) so dangerous
> is that unlike MS, most people are still hailing them as wonderful
> and benevolent companies.

The blinkered vision of Apple-heads is bizarre, but a great boon for
Apple's bottom line.  Unlike Amazon, Starbucks, Google, and Microsoft,
Apple appear to be getting away with anti-competition practices with

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