On 1/3/13 1:53 PM, Russel Winder wrote:
On Thu, 2013-01-03 at 10:26 -0800, Walter Bright wrote:
1. I control the backups

I run my own SMTP and IMAP server, including it's backing up. I like

2. Third parties don't have access to my email history. I don't care what their
"privacy policy" says - if they have it, they will use it as they please. You
have no way to even discover what they do with it

I run my own SMTP and IMAP server, so no third party.

The NSA have all emails, no matter who else has them.

3. I've had email servers controlled by others "go dark", and poof, all email 

As I run my own SMTP and IMAP server, if it goes dark then either my
server blew up or my ISP disconnected me. Email not gone due to backup
strategy :-)

4. I *need* my old email. More than once it has saved me from a lawsuit

I run my own SMTP and IMAP server, including it's backing up.  Old email
for some threads is definitely worth keeping.

I agree with not relying on an email service such as Google, etc.

Whoa. Four instances "I run my own SMTP and IMAP server" in about as many paragraphs. You must feel quite strongly about that...

Andrei "I don't yet run my own SMTP and IMAP server" Alexandrescu

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