On Sunday, January 06, 2013 18:49:18 Pierre Rouleau wrote:
> On 13-01-06 6:21 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
> > On 1/6/2013 7:20 AM, Pierre Rouleau wrote:
> >> Is there a file somewhere that lists all requested features, under
> >> development
> >> features?  Or the various mailing lists the only source of information?
> > 
> > http://d.puremagic.com/issues/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&bug_severi
> > ty=enhancement&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED
> Thanks Walter.
> If this list already contains all (does it?) of what is currently
> identified then is there some criteria one can use to try to infer what
> will be implemented in the next release? Or is it just "first come first
> served" where the solved enhancements automatically get pulled inside
> the release?
> Is this process documented somewhere?

It's generally whatever people happen to implement. Walter may or may not have 
his own personal plan as to what he works on, but there is no overall plan 
whatsoever for what's going to be implemented for the next release (or any 
release). It's entirely a matter of what the various volunteers happen to 
create pull requests for and manage to get merged in. They may or may not even 
do anything related to existing enhancement requests. If you're looking for 
anything even vaguely resembling a roadmap, you're out of luck. At best, you 
can get a list of some of the stuff that people would _like_ to have done (like 
the list of currently open enhancement requests). And that may or may not have 
all that strong a relation with what _will_ be done at any point in the future 
(either because no one gets around to them or because they end up being 

We should probably have a list of of major issues that still need to be 
tackled, but we don't really have even that (other than seeing what's in 
bugzilla). The closest would be this page on the old wiki, but it's not 
exactly definitive or necessarily up-to-date:


- Jonathan M Davis

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