Walter Bright, el  6 de January a las 16:36 me escribiste:
> On 1/6/2013 3:49 PM, Pierre Rouleau wrote:
> >If this list already contains all (does it?) of what is currently identified
> >then is there some criteria one can use to try to infer what will be 
> >implemented
> >in the next release? Or is it just "first come first served" where the solved
> >enhancements automatically get pulled inside the release?
> The thing is, roadmaps are a lot like planning for a war. The moment
> the first shot is fired, all the plans go out the window. What we
> need to get done next is a constantly evolving situation, based on:
> 1. some crisis may occur
> 2. some opportunity may present itself
> 3. the language market may change its perception of what is important
> 4. a member of the community may promote themselves to be a champion
> of some particular issue, and work to get it implemented
> 5. our understanding of what is important and what isn't constantly evolves
> 6. there's constant evolution of what exactly is best practice and
> the best way to realize that

This is all true for planning 5 years ahead, not 1~3 months. You don't
even have to get a very precise plan, you can just focus on some aspect
and try to advance in that direction. And having a plan doesn't mean you
can't change it if something comes up.

> Probably pretty high on the list would be solving the rvalue reference 
> problem.

This is a good example of something that can go into a roadmap for the
next 1~3 months (AKA next release). See? You can do it. :P

Leandro Lucarella (AKA luca)           
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