Pierre Rouleau, el  6 de January a las 12:56 me escribiste:
> >Yeah, that's another issue too. Having mutating "release notes" is awful
> >and a PR disaster. Users only see the changelog once, assuming is
> >immutable, because one thinks that releases are immutable and complete
> >(those are very fundamental properties of a release, otherwise is a
> >preview or a snapshot).
> >
> >That's another thing that I think is important to address eventually.
> Currently, from the outside, I get the impression that the D
> language is a great language but a language for its developers only.

I think to develop in D, you eventually have to be involved at some
point with the development of D itself.

This is something that's slowly changing, but very very slowly.

> Although it might be OK while the language is in its infancy, I
> would hope that D(2) would come out of that state now that several
> books exist, that the standard library seems in pretty good shape,
> that several other libraries, frameworks and tools exist.   To me,
> what seems missing is some wrapper around all of this that would
> make D(2) much more attractive for organizations like the one I work
> for. I am personally very interested in D(2) and have already done
> discussions inside my work place, but without that sort of visible
> infrastructure I doubt I would be able to convince anyone to adopt
> D(2) for any product-based development (and even for some internal
> tools).

I agree completely, I think this is just a management problem, and until
the management realizes how important this is (having a plan, a proper
release process, minor version releases, etc.), only "Kamikaze"
companies will be able to adopt D.

> So, again, this is why I was asking whether you guys thought it
> would be a good idea for me to start a discussion somewhere in one
> of the D mailing lists, to gather the list of new features planned
> for the future (unless something like that already exists, but I did
> not find it) and get something going to create a running list.

There is this:

But AFAIK is not official at all, Walter never really looked at it, is
just investigation work done by the community and some guys with a lot
of patience to have to encourage some planning.

AFAIK there is nothing like a clear milestone about where D is supposed
to go in the next release, something a lot of D developers (as in
compiler developers) have been asking for for a long time.

The latests clear example on how D is still SDD (Surprise Driven
Development) is how UDA where included in the last release.

I really hope at some point this will be addressed, and I think other
areas of the development process have been improved enough to think this
is a good moment to do so, but first management (OK, I will say it:
Walter) have to be convinced (or pushed) to do so. Maybe it will take 2
or 3 years.

Just as a history reminder, I wrote a rant a little more than 3 years
ago about things in the development process that needed to be addressed.
Now a lot of these issues have been addressed (or at least partially):

So I think there is definitely room for hope, but don't expect this to
happen soon.

Leandro Lucarella (AKA luca)                     http://llucax.com.ar/
GPG Key: 5F5A8D05 (F8CD F9A7 BF00 5431 4145  104C 949E BFB6 5F5A 8D05)
Es más probable que el tomate sea perita, a que la pera tomatito.
        -- Peperino Pómoro

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