On 2013-02-11 22:07, FG wrote:

The problem I have with those is that they are designed for HTML.
What if I wanted to make an email template instead?

Erb is like a Ruby preprocessor that can be used for any format. It's used for many things in Ruby on Rails:

index.html.erb - Erb preprocessor, result is HTML

<% if foo %>
<% end %>

bar.js.coffee.erb - Erb then CoffeeScript preprocessor, result is JavaScript

<% if foo %>
  bar = -> console.log("asd")
<% end %>

foo.text.erb - Erb preprocessor, result is plain text

<% if foo %>
<% end %>

database.yml.erb - Erb preprocessor, result is YAML

  username: <%= username %>
  password: <%= password %>

/Jacob Carlborg

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