On 2/17/2013 5:31 PM, Mike Parker wrote:
Love the new release! Thanks to everyone who contributed. But I just want to
throw in my 2 cents about the new changelog format. It's impossible now to tell
at a glance what the major changes/fixes are.

It wasn't before, either. It was a list sorted by bugzilla number - no other sort - and it's the same now.

Clicking through four links to
find them is bad enough, but the layout and color scheme of the Bugzilla search
results makes it even more time consuming. I know it's easier from a maintenance
perspective, but I've lost the motivation to even look at the changelog now. And
it's something I really used to look forward to with each release.

I'm sorry, I'm baffled at this. The ordering and the information is exactly the same - a list of issue numbers and the issue title.

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