On Sun, 17 Feb 2013 20:55:21 -0500, Walter Bright
<newshou...@digitalmars.com> wrote:

On 2/17/2013 5:31 PM, Mike Parker wrote:
Love the new release! Thanks to everyone who contributed. But I just want to throw in my 2 cents about the new changelog format. It's impossible now to tell
at a glance what the major changes/fixes are.

It wasn't before, either. It was a list sorted by bugzilla number - no other sort - and it's the same now.

Clicking through four links to
find them is bad enough, but the layout and color scheme of the Bugzilla search results makes it even more time consuming. I know it's easier from a maintenance perspective, but I've lost the motivation to even look at the changelog now. And
it's something I really used to look forward to with each release.

I'm sorry, I'm baffled at this. The ordering and the information is exactly the same - a list of issue numbers and the issue title.

Let me give you some examples of "new features"

std.array.replace compile error (string and immutable string)
There's no Duration.max
Document extern properly

Now, I'll sure love the new replace compile error, the missing Duration.max, and the need to document extern as much as the next guy, but can we get some better descriptions? ;)

Some of the descriptions work well for a changelog, but many of them don't. Even ones that are clear that they were a new feature are worded awkwardly.

For example, the new feature "std.random.uniform!Enum should return random enum member" should really be "std.random.uniform!Enum now returns a random enum member instead of a random integer"

The 'bugs fixed' report can be a link to bugzilla, but being able to read it inline on the changelog would be a good improvement. These are going to be static lists, there is no need to query them from a DB every time.


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