I'd say opening all dependencies is distracting. But being able to open
them quickly is really useful.

On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 10:26 PM, alex <i...@alexanderbothe.com> wrote:

> On Friday, 26 April 2013 at 20:16:15 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
>> Am 26.04.2013 21:37, schrieb alex:
>>> I want to inform you that Mono-D v0.5.2.4 can open Dub projects natively
>>> now - no need for creating .dproj files explicitly anymore, just opening
>>> package.json is required in order to have the project there.
>>> It also handles include paths in the most common cases.
>> Cool! I'll try that out tomorrow. Do you execute the "dub" binary to
>> generate a project file or do you parse the "package.json" directly? If
>> it helps, it would be relatively easy to add a mode where all build
>> settings for the project, including all of its dependencies, are output
>> to stdout as JSON.
> It parses the package.json directly, no .sln or .dproj is generated. It
> runs dub build for building and dub for executing the program -- where do I
> specify run arguments btw?
>>  Btw, what about nested dependencies? How are they handled in dub? Are
>>> all sub-packages in the .dub folder read for further dependency
>>> information?
>> Yes, the ones in ".dub", in the system- and user-wide package folders,
>> as well as any package added with "dub add-local" are scanned for
> where is the list of packages added with 'add-local' stored at?
>  matches recursively and their build settings are merged-in accordingly.
> I think I might open up all the dependency projects as well when opening
> the 'root' package.json - do you think that it's a good idea or just
> distracting the user from the main project?
>>  Great work though!
>> Thanks, the same must be said about Mono-D! (which is a lot more
>> complex, of course)
> :-)

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