On Sat, 11 May 2013 20:22:57 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu <seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org> wrote:

On 5/11/13 7:39 PM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
Furthermore, my whole point was nothing more than to merely suggest
that *maybe* the delay should simply be somewhat less, *not* a demand
or expectation, and *not* even a suggestion that they should all be
released as soon as is technically feasable.

Sure - let's take a quick poll on what would be the best release schedule.

I am happy with any reasonable schedule, including the current. 3 a week is max.

BTW, this whole "I need it now" mentality reminds me of my first days of having a TiVo.

My wife and I liked law and order (the show, but also the real thing too), and TiVo has a way to record all episodes (no repeats) of a specific show name, on any channel. We set it up.

We were getting about 4-5 hours PER DAY of "Law and Order" to watch. In about 4 days, I remember coming home and seeing 4 more hours and saying, "aw crap, we have four hours of TV to watch" When it became a chore, we deleted the "season pass".

Now, this is different, because there are only 20 "episodes" in existence, and there will be no more until next year. But the effect is similar. I will watch one or two, and none of the others (I've seen them all live, mind you), but others will choose other talks to watch. Already there have been some interesting discussions on the available talks that would be lost in the noise if all were immediately available. It's nice to have everyone "stuck" at the same episode so you can discuss it at the same time!

Also keep in mind, that you can simply ignore the postings for a few weeks, and then all will be available at once. This is like waiting for the season to come out on dvd or netflix :)


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