Maybe stuff added to the language? User-defined attributes, for instance.


On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 7:45 PM, Jonathan M Davis <> wrote:
> On Monday, June 03, 2013 00:29:09 Carl Sturtivant wrote:
>> > This is awesome! I'm sure I speak on behalf of the entire
>> > community that we'd be happy to help with anything you need.
>> There is, perhaps, a need for a short technical document bringing
>> TDPL up to date, i.e. consistent with the currently accepted view
>> of the definition of D (wherever that resides).
>> No doubt this is not necessary and the course will go fine
>> without it, but it would be useful, as well as being encouraging
>> to those students who exercise some initiative.
> And what about TDPL is so out of date? Its description of pure is that of
> strongly pure and thus is not fully correct, but from what I recall, almost
> everything in it that's not correct (aside from actually errors in the
> original text - which are covered by the errata) simply hasn't been
> implemented yet (e.g. multiple alias thises) and was not any more correct when
> TDPL was released than it is now. So, AFAIK, very little in TDPL is incorrect
> or actually needs to be updated, and almost all of what's incorrect is
> supposed to be corrected by the feature in question actually being
> implemented.
> - Jonathan M Davis

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