On Thursday, 9 January 2014 at 21:26:41 UTC, Jameson Ernst wrote:
On Thursday, 9 January 2014 at 19:20:35 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote:
So I really do not know, what is wrong with my monodevelop. Anyway with patched gdb (https://github.com/ibuclaw/gdb) and normal GDB plugin I can debbug my application quiet well.

Just set this up, and the regular GDB plugin with patched GDB is working for me as well on monodevelop HEAD. Hopefully the D patches for GDB get mainlined, then it might not even be necessary to have a special D debugger plugin anymore.

What is the D-extended gdb doing? I looked at d-lang.c and only found some demangling stuff as well as rewriting D-specific native types. I'd be more than happy to let gdb examine every variable's properties etc, especially when it comes to debugging templated/mixed-in stuff and interfaces - but well, I've got my very C#-like toString() examination as 'ultimate' bonus feature..it was awesome to have this feature integrated into gdb by default, too though!

So btw, could you please define 'does not work'? Is there an exception, is there just a silent quit, is there a mysterious return value -1 when executing the program with the debugger?

Jameson, as you've already built MonoDevelop on your own, could you please try cloning & building https://github.com/llucenic/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Gdb.D.git, putting the built dll in MonoDevelop's Addin directory (my best practice: Make a symlink from /Addins to your /bin/Debug folder - this way MD won't miss any recently rebuilt addin :-) )

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