On 2/27/14, 3:21 PM, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:
On Thursday, 27 February 2014 at 22:25:27 UTC, Brad Roberts wrote:
On 2/27/14, 2:03 PM, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:
On Thursday, 27 February 2014 at 21:59:37 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu
On 2/27/14, 1:42 PM, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:

In that case, as Yoda would say:

Volunteer to prepare GSoC 2015 proposal I shall.

Do you have copies of past submissions as a guideline, or is it just
what is on the Wiki.

Congratulations and good luck! Stay tuned to the general GSoC process
and I hope you'll be around in December :o).

Google doesn't save past submissions. We have our older gsoc pages on
dlang.org and the wiki. I think Walter saved some form data.


I will try to keep an eye on what the successful projects do this
summer, that may give me so ideas.

Also, keep in mind that GSoC is pretty much two things:

1) a nice little pay check for students
2) a bit of structure around getting work done

We can still do #2 without #1.  And we don't need google to make it
happen.  How about trying a practice run despite not having google
tossing in the funding?

So you mean D Summer of Code?

I had actually been thinking of proposing having a D mentoring
program.  Similar to:

(at the bottom)

Experienced D developers, who feel they could use
on a specific project, or who would be otherwise interested in
taking on an 'apprentice' could list projects they would like
to see someone take on.  Interested developers could browse
through and see if any of the proposed projects piqued their

However, that doesn't entirely fulfill #2 in your list.
The 'student' needs some motivation to complete the project
I suppose.  Perhaps a DConf T-shirt autographed by Walter and
Andrei or something :o)

Call it whatever you want.. Ideally it's not a specific one time (or recurring) event, but rather the normal way development happens. Someone wants to help, so they do. There's already appropriate mailing lists / forums / newsgroups for interaction. There's lots of work to be done. What's needed is people to step up. Adding a little structure and making it known that the help is available is all good and would likely help tip more people from thinking about it into doing it.

The appropriate forum / mailing lists:

All of which are available via forum.dlang.org or lists.puremagic.com. All of which contain multiple people who are generally very eager to help.

Following bug reports and pull requests and watching how fixes and changes are made is also a pretty good way to learn about the code base. If the commits and code changes don't make sense, feel free to ask the submitter (via private email or publicly on the appropriate forum, preferably the latter) to help explain the change -- chances are more comments would be useful to more than just the asker.

As to motivation, personally, I'm not sure we want someone who isn't self motivated. That said, I recognize that sometimes it takes a little something extra to incent getting past the learning curve which can be daunting for any project. I find that financial incentives, like GSoC, tend to attract that disappear shortly after the incentive is removed. The group of people that contribute today are all volunteers, up to and including Walter and Andrei. Some have agreements with their employers to spend work time in various amounts, but that's the exception rather than the rule.

My 2 cents,

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