On 6/11/2014 9:19 AM, Andrew Edwards wrote:
On 6/11/14, 2:23 AM, deadalnix wrote:
I'll be there to test and bug report ! Thank for being the release

In my world a lieutenant is absolutely useless. Given the tutelage and
guidance of solid staff non-commissioned officer, some day they will
become productive members of the community. If they don't find such a
mentor however, they will become loose cannons: destroying all in their

I tend to see life from a different perspective. Officers, in general,
are quite useless. They are the "good idea fairies" who give little, if
any, consideration to the ramifications of their ideas/proposals and
will stop at nothing to see them come to fruition: regardless of
consequences. Worse still, they are absolutely incapable of implementing
the ideas/proposals they generate.

Reminds me of both MBAs and MASH ;)

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