On 12/11/2014 3:16 AM, Martin Nowak via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:
On Thursday, 11 December 2014 at 07:40:14 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic via
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:
On 12/11/14, Martin Nowak via Digitalmars-d-announce
<digitalmars-d-announce@puremagic.com> wrote:
Glad to announce that D support on Travis-CI was launched today.



Btw, I've noticed this command in the log file of a Travis run:
$ curl http://downloads.dlang.org/releases/2014/dmd.2.066.1.linux.zip

It seems a bit of a waste of bandwidth to re-download the release for
each run?

Indeed, and we'll have to see how that works. Easiest solution would be
to add a caching proxy on either side (incapsula?). We could also come
up with some chef recipes to preinstall a bunch of compilers on certain
worker boxes.

For the last 30 days, travis represents about 2.5% of all downloads (1k of 40k). So, not horrible, but could also be a whole lot less (down from 1k to 74 based on January's data) if it were cached on each host.

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