On 20/03/2015 05:30, Manu via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:
On 20 March 2015 at 01:14, Bruno Medeiros via Digitalmars-d-announce
<digitalmars-d-announce@puremagic.com> wrote:
On 19/03/2015 14:45, Trent Forkert wrote:

On Thursday, 19 March 2015 at 11:18:29 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

Semantics analysis you can get by simply opening .d file in CDT
project is very limited compared to opening dub project because it
can't know the import paths for dependencies or pretty much anything
about project structure apart from opened file. This isn't much.


It seems you are right that it *is* limited, but it shouldn't be. CMake
emits include/import paths into the project structure. I had thought it
emitted into .project, but evidently emits into .cproject. If DDT
supported a .dproject I could also emit, I could get it to work.

DDT does support a .dproject ... it's called dub.json ! ;)

I'm dead serious here though. Why would I invent my own file format to
describe source folders and include/imports paths when dub.json does that
already?? It would be silly to use anything else. If you absolutely don't
want to use DUB to build things, there are ways to disable the DUB builder,
as mentioned before in this thread, and this way you'll use dub.json merely
to describe the import path structure of the D project.

I would imagine that if you had complete control over the project
description and build process, it would be much easier to integrate
with other components in Eclipse?
Of course, I have no idea whether that's true or not. But I will
hazard a guess that using dub in this way must make it harder for you
to interact with CDT/java tools than otherwise?

There's no plans ATM to integrate with CDT itself. (I don't even know what integration with java tools would mean here) Even for CDT, I don't see what much would there be to integrate, other than the build system.

It would also be really nice to have a UI with tick boxes and select
boxes for all the relevant build settings like CDT.

Yeah, true. Even if using DUB, it would be nice to have UI to control the settings in dub.json, but that's a fair amount of work for little gain, so down in the priority list.

Bruno Medeiros

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