On 23/03/2015 23:01, Ben Boeckel via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:
On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 21:14:31 +0100, Jacob Carlborg via 
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:
On 2015-03-23 13:54, Bruno Medeiros wrote:
There's no plans ATM to integrate with CDT itself. (I don't even know
what integration with java tools would mean here) Even for CDT, I don't
see what much would there be to integrate, other than the build system.

I would guess he means using C(++) files and D files in the same project
and the build system would just work.

From what I understand[1] of Eclipse (which I admit isn't much from a
user's PoV), it supports "natures" to be loaded which provide
functionality. Now I have no idea how much work this is, but it would be
nice to have a nature for D support (syntax highlighting, completion,
etc.). If it includes dub, great, but it might be worth it to have a
separate nature for that. CMake (and other theoretical tools) would then
just add the D support nature to handle the D files and use the existing
build support. Projects created through DDT itself could add the dub
nature by default (FWIW, I don't think CDT generates CMake-based
projects out of the box either).

Basically, make DDT suitable for using it with other projects which
don't use dub because it doesn't suit the upstream project whether it be
because the project is more than some D code, YAML is preferred to JSON
or whatever.

Take my gunroar[2] repo for example. It's mainly D code, but there is
some C and Java in the src/android directory. If one were working in
Eclipse with it, it would be nice to support using CDT features for the
C code, the native Java support for the Java code, DDT for the D code,
and the build button to put it all together.


[1]This is based on my experience where enabling the Android bits in an
Eclipse project generated by CMake is to allow users to add natures to
the generated .project file using the ECLIPSE_EXTRA_NATURES global

Yes, there is a D nature for Eclipse's .project:
Curiously though, a few DDT features will work fine without that nature, namely semantic features (code completion, go to definition, etc.). They even work with external files (files not in an Eclipse project), as long as they are part of a DUB bundle (known in DUB as a "package").

This is because, for example, when invoking code completion on a D source, DDT will try to find a "dub.json" file in the tree of parent dirs of the D file. Once it finds it, it will analyze the source structure of that bundle and all its dependency bundles (using `dub describe`, and then code completion will have all module information correctly available. And the caching of the semantic engine will still work just fine. :)

As for not using DUB. Hum, I could add feature of a flag to a project options to prevent it from using DUB (the executable). This way the DUB build would be a no-op, and `dub describe` would not be run either. You would still have to use the dub.json file to describe source folders though. (Again there's no sense in making a new format to describe this)

As for your gunroar example. I don't know how CMake generates an Eclipse project, but that scenario that sounds like it should have multiple Eclipse projects generated. (One for D code, one for C bits, another for Java bits) Trying to shove everything in one project wont work properly. (The directory structure of gunroar might have to be changed a bit to accommodate that though)

An Eclipse project is a build "unit", and is not the equivalent of a VisualStudio solution. An Eclipse workspace is much more akin to a VS solution.

Bruno Medeiros

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