On Monday, 30 March 2015 at 07:45:50 UTC, Paulo  Pinto wrote:
On Monday, 30 March 2015 at 03:26:14 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
On Sunday, 29 March 2015 at 16:32:32 UTC, Idan Arye wrote:
Computer science is all about tradeoffs. I used to love Ruby, but then a Rails project got out of hand... Nowadays I use it mainly as a bash replacement - Hundredfolds more expressive, only a tiny tiny bit syntax overhead, and for things that bash's safety would be enough Ruby's certainly suffices.

This is pretty much the recurring story with ruby. The first 10 000 lines are a lot of fun, and then it gets out of hands.

Just like any other language with dynamic typing.

This has more to do with the module system than with the typing. In Ruby, the `require` function reads a source file and interprets it in the global namespace. This means that from that point on, all symbols declared in that source file(and the source files it `require`s) are now part of the global namespace and accessible from anywhere(even from places that didn't `require` it), and that all monkey-patching done in that source file from now on applies *everywhere*.

Compare it to Python, that has a module system that handles namespacing and forces you to `import` a module in each scope you want to use it. This means that if foo.py uses stuff from bar.py it must `import` it directly and can't rely on some other baz.py that might dropt it's `import` to bar.py because it no longer needs it without knowing that foo.py was using it.

Note that Ruby does has `module`s that can be used for namespacing(or for mixins...) but using them is a hassle, because you either have to always use fully qualified names or to `mixin` them into the current namespace(which propagates to other scopes that want to use stuff from YOUR namespace...)

Also note that Python also has ways to mess with the gloabl context - but you have to actually dig in to do this, compared to Ruby where messing up the global context is the standard way of doing things.
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