On Wednesday, 8 July 2015 at 02:53:06 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
On Saturday, 4 July 2015 at 01:13:52 UTC, Andy Smith wrote:

I've raised https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/dconf.org/pull/85 to have the dconf website point to these urls. Andrei please consider merging once you've done unpacking all the boxes :-)



Andy, I just watched your talk and enjoyed it. You make a comment about 24min in about implementing something like transiente from Clojure in D. I have some cursory knowledge of Clojure and what you mean by transient, but no idea how to implement the concept in D. If it's possible to provide a simple example, I would be interested.

Hey.... I didn't really have an equivalent of transients in D, it was more a general statement that there are cases where you can still get functional purity using mutable state rather than adhering to a strict functional approach.

So in much the same way as I 'cheat' slightly by using mutable state in the system, clojure cheats in much the same way using transients for intermediate calculations in an implementation provided that the interface is pure.

I didn't elaborate too much during the talk as *NO-ONE* nodded to say they new clojure so moved swiftly on :-)



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