Am 05.01.2017 um 01:59 schrieb Paul O'Neil:
On 01/04/2017 02:22 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
We release a brief Vision document summarizing the main goals we plan to
pursue in the coming six months. This half we are focusing on three
things: safety, lifetime management, and static introspection.


What are the plans for the dub registry?  Have there been discussions

I'm not aware of concrete discussions w.r.t. the vision document, but the two major improvements that come to mind are GitHub authentication, which enables push notifications for repository changes, and some form of pagination for the package list views.

Also, one thing we discussed at the last DConf is a "popularity" score that would be used for sorting results. This would include things like download numbers and GitHub stars. It would also take into account the dependencies (which affects the download numbers), so that the score actually reflects the perceived popularity as close as possible.

Finally, we want to have a form of CI integration to put packages that have tests/pass tests first (i.e. give an incentive for package authors to setup and use CI for their project). Generating documentation is another possibility, as well as testing DMD frontend version compatibility.

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