On Monday, 5 June 2017 at 14:23:34 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
The crowd-edited (?) blog post exploring some of D's compile-time features is now live. Thanks again to everyone who helped out with it.

The blog:


This is a great article, Mike!
At the end I expected a reference to D's great template constraints [1], maybe it's still worth adding sth. like this to show how amazingly useful CTFE is?

auto myRandomEngine(ulong m, ulong a, ulong c)(ulong seed)
if (properLinearCongruentialParameters!(m, a, c))
  return seed;

void main()
static assert(!__traits(compiles, myRandomEngine!(1, 2, 3)(42)));
    myRandomEngine!(1UL << 32, 1664525, 1013904223)(42);

Or alternatively if you don't want to rewrite properLinearCongruentialParameters e.g.

auto myRandomEngine(ulong m, ulong a, ulong c)(ulong seed)
if (pLCP!(m, a, c))
  return seed;

template pLCP(ulong m, ulong a, ulong c) {
    enum pLCP = properLinearCongruentialParameters(m, a, c);

[1] https://dlang.org/spec/template.html#template_constraints

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