Am 22.06.2017 um 20:52 schrieb aberba:
On Thursday, 22 June 2017 at 08:55:06 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
After a last minute path type redesign, the state of the new vibe-core package now finally feels ready for the first official release. The library is in a pretty good shape, with the notable exception that sockets are not yet implemented on Windows in the new eventcore abstraction layer. This will be tackled ASAP, but is independent from vibe-core itself in terms of code dependencies.


Thw Websocket api seem a little low-level (unclear) compared to the feel of http server. I'm not sure if its on purpose or could use some future api design/abstraction.

Vibe.d is really great.

Agreed, there are several places in there that can be improved or made more consistent. The HTTP package (including WebSockets) is the next big part that is up for a complete redesign, also (finally) including HTTP/2 support. Since I'm really busy with another project I can't state a reliable schedule for this, but I'll try to start in the near future and will also to try to involve interested people in the design/development process as early as that makes sense.

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