
Just finished up a first take on an optional type for D. It's essentially a mix of Nullable and std.range.only, but with a lot more bells and whistles. I would love to hear any feedback on code, or features, or bad design or potential for better designs from anyone who's interested :)


Things to do:
* Handle dispatching of static fields/method (see code below)
* Implement flatmap/decide if flatmap should be in here
* Figure out what kind of range this should be (currently its just an input range - should it be more?) * Implement some phobos algorithms as returning optionals (e.g. countUntil)

Anyway, here's some code to peak at a few of the supported features:

auto a = some(3);
auto b = a + 4; // opUnary/Binary/Equals (so far) supported

a = none;
a++ // noop

auto p = no!(int*);
assert(a == *p) // none == none
p = null;
assert(a == *p) // null handled

struct A {
  struct B { void g() {} }
  B f() { return B(); }

auto  b = no!(A*);
b.dispatch.f.g // dispatch is safe, noop

b = new A;
b.dispatch.f.g // makes calls now because non empty.

- Ali

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