On Tuesday, 27 February 2018 at 11:58:34 UTC, Dukc wrote:
On Monday, 26 February 2018 at 20:04:14 UTC, aliak wrote:
Guess I could do a pointer and call new when i need to store a value instead. Or maybe it's better to do it like above and store as value type with default value and a boolean at the site. Not sure.

You do not need a separate boolean field. If someone assigns "none" or calls popFront() just assign the pointer to null. When someone queries empty, you check whether the pointer points to null. The default value is easy too: typeof(element).init.

Either you misunderstood or my writing was not clear. I meant you'd need a boolean if you were using a value type (was just speaking out loud as another alternative to a pointer or array)

That's the superior design, because it does not need any excess memory for the empty flag.

It means using new, so not sure how superior it is compare to storing a value type.

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